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Program Design and Development, LLC (PD&D) specializes in helping public and private organizations develop effective and innovative programs, with particular expertise in development and management of multi-agency collaborations. PD&D is a limited liability company, organized in 1999 as the successor to an unincorporated for-profit sole proprietorship founded in 1989. PD&D has successfully developed new programs in a wide variety of areas, including:

  • health care,

  • housing,

  • employment services,

  • truancy reduction,

  • crime prevention,

  • law enforcement,

  • AIDS treatment and prevention,

  • substance abuse treatment and prevention,

  • mental health,

  • youth services,

  • legal services,

  • emergency food and nutrition,

  • outreach/engagement, and

  • childcare.

To date PD&D has prepared over 3,200 grant applications and secured over $797 million in grant funding.

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